
Sunday 31 March 2013

Your cross…


Your cross Spurgeon quote twixt downs and sea

Just loved this quote when I read it on Good Morning Girls.

It doesn’t need any words from me. I just found it a great reminder as I know I’ve been guilty of  all the ‘do nots’ . Praying for that cheerful acceptance.

If you want to read more check out Jen’s great words, here.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

tempered by ice?


tempered by ice twixt downs and sea

Late snowfall

Daffodils buried in white drifts

Flower heads broken.

But the bulbs will survive

Frost makes them stronger

Tempered by ice

next year they will be more fruitful

reminding me

this seasons trials


have wrought in me new strength.


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1v2-3

Wednesday 6 March 2013

…she gets up while it is still night…


sunrise twixt downs and sea

I’m joining in Crystal’s challenge to rise early in March. I can’t really call this much of a challenge for our household since we have embraced the early to rise ethos for the last couple of years. In fact, when I picked up on the whole Proverbs 31 thing, I thought at least I am the woman who “gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family”.

For me, that was the original impetus behind the early rise – to make sure my son had a good breakfast and to prepare everyone’s packed lunches. And just to be that bit more intentional with my time.

And I still think that’s so important. Breakfast is that little quiet breather where we discuss our plans and hopes for the day and give each other a bit of mutual support. Time to listen, time to share.

Of course sometimes we do get into the whole ”by the way I need money for a trip/a costume/my trainers/a form filled in “ thing. But because we’re up nice and early, there’s time to find stuff without (me) getting in a panic. So it’s all good.

Crystal has a great list here today of things you can do with your time gained from getting up early. Breakfast done, I like to look at my and pray over my own plans for the day, that’s if I’m not in the cupboard under the stairs looking for a lost trainer!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Basic Home-made Scones – frugal family favourites


Basic British Scones recipe twixt downs and sea

Scones – the best recipe ever for when you have hoards of hungry youngsters and not a lot of cash. Easily and quickly made from cheap stuff you have in the store cupboard and don’t even need measuring when you’ve made them a few times. I think an American scone is a more fancy beast but our basic British jobs are just 8oz of flour, about 2 of butter and some milk…

They’re best eaten warm and on the day you make them. I often make a batch after school – takes less than half an hour – and they normally get eaten pretty quick.

Here’s the basic instructions

  1. preheat oven to 200°C (390°F)
  2. Sift flour into a bowl (for 8 small scones 8oz (or 8 tablespoons or just under 2 cups of self raising flour - or plain flour plus 3 tsp baking powder)
  3. Add butter (2oz, half stick or quarter cup) and first cut in then rub with cold fingertips.
  4. pinch of salt and if you want some sugar
  5. mix to a dough with cold milk (secret tip - my mother always left the milk out overnight to sour)
  6. roll out to 1” thick (to about the first knuckle on your thumb) and cut out about 8  2” diameter scones or make a round and mark into 8 wedges.
  7. bake for 15 minutes for individual ones about 25 minutes for a big one.

Make it suit your family -

  • my friend with fussy little eaters adds an egg to get a bit of protein into them.
  • sultanas, raisins, dates are all good
  • coconut and cherry too (less frugal unless you have them in the cupboard)
  • add strong grated cheese and mustard powder for savoury lovers
  • wholemeal flour is good or half and half
  • I like a floury top (see picture) but you can milk or egg wash to make them shiny.
  • put savoury scones on top of mince or a stew to make Beef Cobbler (cheaper and lower fat than short crust pastry)


Cream tea easy and frugal from twixt downs and sea


If you happen to have a bit of cream and a few strawberries left over, treat yourselves to a lovely Cream tea. Special, easy and it’s still pretty inexpensive…




They’re best eaten warm and on the day you make them (no preservatives) . I often make a batch after school – takes less than half an hour – and they normally get eaten pretty quick.


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