
Tuesday 7 February 2012

the commandment to have courage?

He spreads the snow like wool

   and scatters the frost like ashes.

Psalm 147 16

2012 feb snowy downs 1
Snow is unusual in these parts. And in a rare blessing we have been granted the beautiful sight of snow spread like wool on the downs while our pavements are clear and safe for our elderly folk to get about.

2012 feb snowy downs 3
I am a bit prone to anxiety. So that, rather than rejoicing if I open my front door and find snow, I would be worrying about falling over, about my auntie who broke her hip on the ice being afraid to leave her house. Sometimes I can be so anxious about what might go wrong that I won’t try anything. I can be so anxious that I might offend someone that I don’t text them when they’re ill. I often worry for so long about doing the right thing that the moment passes and I’ve missed the chance to help, support or comfort.
I know the verse in Philippians to have no anxiety about anything but in my Bible notes last week came across Joshua 1 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Not just the comfort of knowing God is with us but a command…do not be frightened and dismayed. A hard command for me to follow, Lord but as I seek to live more intentionally, I will strive to be that strong courageous woman of faith that you have commanded me to be.

Gifts 91 –114

a kind note from an old friend

generous ladies giving up their lunch to help my students

photo on the wall of my late father in law painting my children

helping a reluctant reader

glorious red sunset

joining in a quiz with my son

more Herman bread, and macaroons and homemade Viennese whirls

Daily Bible notes in my inbox, and Christian bloggers and a free Christian mystery novel on my Kindle

Laura’s parenting book

green shoots on a  gifted Campanulus

Tartan pyjamas my dH gave me

our lovely new windows to keep the storm out

a blanket my parents left in the airing cupboard

3 gifts outside: snowflakes falling, the beauty of snow covered fields, the blessing to the oldies that snow didn’t settle here

so thankful in these minus weather conditions for the warm red scarf my son gave, the lady who knitted my red gloves and the gift of a spicy red candle to make my home cosy.


  1. There's something about red that just warms things up. I'll have to light a candle today to make our home cozier.

  2. I can so relate! Especially when it comes to comforting those in sorrow...I've experienced enough sorrow myself to know how useless trite phrases are, yet I lack the knowledge to offer something better. So, I tend to sit at a distance and pray for them.

    Thank you for the encouragement, to be more courageous!

    Found you from Graceful. Look forward to seeing more of your blog.

  3. Did you know that the command "Fear Not" is the most frequent command in the Bible? It occurs 366 times, once for every day of the year, including leap year.

    Manifest Blog

  4. what an amazing fact, Stephen. And what an encouragement that God so wants us to live our lives without fear.



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